Thesis Thinking
My thesis research centered around maximalism and over-designed spaces. Coming into my thesis making semester I wanted to create a set of guidelines to make a whole lot of stuff in this semester. I came up with idea to iterate on objects that are in my life. Each week I want to iterate on an object in different ways this is the forum where I will be posting about my journey
Each of these objects are things that Marie Kondo would tell me to get rid of. These are not super special tokens or things I couldn’t live without they are not heirlooms or anything that holds commercial value. They are things that are valuable to me and they are momentos to remind me of a time in my life.
growing and changing. These objects coincide with times in my life that are so vivid for me and they line up in a nice timeline of my life and growth moments. And for me maximalism was the growth moment for me this fall choosing something scary and forward motion. Celebrating these objects in a way are a celebration of Abby and taking small moments and expanding them!!!
Chaos and clutter these two terms came out of my chat with Kristen and I need to consider how these things interact and how I find myself moving forward with maximalism. Change, Chaos and Clutter
The presentation will be the making. A video of the iterations and bring in a TON of other clutter from the same time periods of my life.