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Experimental Design Blog

Due. Oct 19/21

My plan for this project its to be literal and crafty!! I want to take this stack of trash in from our living room and make something awesome! )or at least awesome adjacent) I’ve been studying Maximalism for my thesis and I think my chosen material is a perfect example of an overbalance of information.

I want to make a series of bricks using these flyers as the material and I will paper mache them together. I have made a prototype of the wireframe made out of tinfoil. I want to have the bricks done for Wednesdays class so that I can use the rest of the time of when the project is due next Monday for playing around with my materials.


Sketch plan

My plan for Monday is to have the bricks made and maybe I have a loose plan to do a livestream of my paper macheing the paper to the brick and talking about my thesis research and going through my research and talk about my feelings basically.

I have made several of these wireframes and I decided to create like a little step by step of ho I’ve been making them

Abigail WestonComment