Blog title cards-03.png

Experimental Design Blog

Due Sept. 23

I decided that my manifesto was centered around different body parts. Core, Arms, Legs, Hand, Eyes and Mind.

The form I was originally going to use was a video of a performance but I decided to push myself onto a platform that I am not comfortable with at all but I have a new found respect for is TikTok. Controversial I know but I really love the craft and there are some very talented creators on the platform. The platform was really where I was going to find my audience 15-22 years old people considering the pursuit of graphic design. “Young Designers” is a broad category. I would really like this content to be viewed by those at the start of their journey. Someone who is in an intro class or has thought about taking an intro class.

Below you will find my icon set that I used as title cards for the beginning of each video

Here is the loose script I wrote for what I wanted to say in each video:

Manifesto in tiktok’s


My design philosophy is centered around the body. Approaching each project you need to combine many skills just like moving around each day. And what helps you move around each day? FLEXIBILITY! And that helps designers as well. If you can move your body in new and interesting ways each time then you can create anything

 Stay tuned! In this series I will relate, core, arms, legs, hands, eyes & mind to a part of the graphic design process. The key thing to remember is remaining fluid and flexible to your surroundings.


Core is your most important body part. For me this is your basic knowledge of design principals.

·      Pattern

·      Contrast

·      Hierarchy

·      Scale

·      Rhythm/movement

·      Unity

·      Variety

Learning and knowing these basic principles will give you a frame work for any design project. These eventually become second nature to us as designers and its not something we consciously think about

Just like using our core to stand sit or walk around you are not thinking about how much your core is working in these actions but it is doing a lot of the work!


Arms are stretching creativity! They are attached to the core the basic design knowledge but they reach and find new ways to move they in most cases the most flexible and dynamic part of the body the move in many ways and support what you are doing.

Are we reaching new creative heights every time we design a project? Not really but we are always extending our personal comfort zone


In this analogy legs are our design programs. Adobe, pro create canva what ever you are using software and knowledge of how to use software.

(shot of me far away)

Software knowledge can take your designs from here to here

(shot of me running)

Why can software take you so far? Because it’s what translates your designs from a sketch or a thought into something that you can actually send to a client or post on a website or send to a printer 

Its literally the leg work of a graphic design project!

 Hands: Hands are the details! As designers everything needs to move intentionally and look precise. You can’t send something to a client or turn in a project with details missing or sloppy edges.  

Hands do the small stuff to polish designs they create the details of sketching and line art that makes this whole thing work.

 Eyes: What can I say? The eyes are the window to the soul and the window to design. Its so important to look for designs everywhere:

 (maybe bring a book and pull it out of a tree as I say hey look designs)


The mind is where everything converges and all of the critical thinking about design intention and purpose come together and complete a project.

Below is a final copy of my manifesto laid out in a 11x 17 format for a quick reference guide:

Abigail Weston